
Mysterious Ball Finding on Earth

Posted on 6:35 AM by ^^!

1. Rusia

You might hear this spring that in Mokraya Olkhovka village of the Volgograd region there were found strange spherical objects and the first version sounded that they found petrified eggs of a dinosaur! We got a chance to look closer at the interesting finding… They are approximately of the same size – about one meter in the diameter and in the height as well. They consist of silicon, sand and metal so there’s no any connection to dinosaurs … Besides, we may see corrosion on some of them.
Another version: hundreds of millions years ago here was a sea and an active underwater volcano that could produce not only steam but water-insoluble minerals as well. They melted in the volcanic orifice, agglomerated, cooled and sank out.
It’s not a bad idea but it doesn’t explain why these objects have the same spherical shape and are located so close to each other. It turned out that similar objects have already been found in other areas of the Earth, particularly in Kazakhstan and New Zealand. There is a scientific term to such phenomenon – “Concretion”, according to their discription these objects do look like silicon concretion.

2. Kazakhstan

Concretion found in the steppe of Kazakhstan.
Konkresi ditemukan di padang rumput Kazakhstan.

These findings are not protected and anyone may ruin them or take with him … Such indifference is still shocking even for this country.
3. New Zealand
If you go down to Koekohe beach in New Zealand you can be sure of a big surprise. In front of you, scattered like enormous marbles from some long abandoned game between giants, are hundreds of giant spherical rocks. Or are they the egg shells of sea-born dragons? The Moeraki boulders present us with a mystery – what are they and how on earth did they get there?
Some are isolated but may occur in clusters. That they are here is the result of three things – erosion, concretion and time. First the waves, inexorable and patient, have pounded the local bedrock for countless millennia. The mudstone on the beach – rock which was originally mud and clay – is slowly but surely eroded. Underneath are the boulders that the mudstone – in its original wet form, helped to form. However, the boulders were not there to begin with – that came later.

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