
10 best dog world

Posted on 4:52 AM by ^^!

10 chu cho tuyet voi nhat the gioi

Dog was chosen as honorary members of the American Legion, a dog can predict the future? ... All will come in the top 10 best dog.

1. Sergeant Stubby-hero of America's first war
Stubby, hero dog, the first American, had served 18 months and attended more than 17 battle front in the west. 2 / 1918, Stubby each signal in time to save his regiment to escape a sudden attack of the enemy with poison gas. Pit bull dog breeds animal hybrids was awarded many medals in World War 1 and is the only dog ​​to be promoted to sergeant.
It also has a knack for determining the location and comfort the wounded, moving mail from the bullet train has even caught a German spy at Argonne. After discovering the strange noises coming from the bushes, it has checked and found the name of a spy. Spy named Stubby start running and chasing after him, biting him in the leg, as he stumbled and fell. Then it attacked his hand and grabbed him. At that time, several new Allied soldiers running to and applaud brave dog.
Stubby became the first dogs were made honorary members of the U.S. Army. After the war, Stubby became a symbol of animal Georgetown University when its owner, Robert Conroy, the first stop in law school and took it. It was sick and died on 04.04.1926 at Conroy army services.
2. Swansea Jack Dog: Dog Baywatchcuu 27 people
Born in Newfoundland (Canada), Jack the dog lives in North Dock area of ​​Swansea with the owner, William Thomas. It always hear the reaction when he jumped down to save water and aid to victims to shore. Rescue its career began in May 6.1931, while it saved a 12 year old boy. A few weeks later before a crowd, Jack rescued a man swimming at the dock.
It became legendary when saved 27 lives in January 10.1937 Tawe harbor, Jack died from eating rat pulp. It is everyone affectionately known as "dog-century." Jack was honored with a silver trophy awarded by the London mayor and is the only dog ​​to receive the bronze medal of the National Association of Protection Dogs.
3. Jim: "miracle dog" that can predict the future
Born in Louisiana (USA) in 1925, Jim had demonstrated signs of a dog with superior intelligence. Although color blind, it is still getting to know the difference in the clothes of others, regardless of the owner of a vehicle, or plate material.
It became a hunting dog knows exactly when a field has many birds or not. Van Arsdale boss has selection fields to hunt it and it never let him down.
Jim is the veterinary staff and scientists at the University of Missouri to research. Results of the study is that it is perfectly normal. It can also hear Italian, German, Spanish and Greek.
Jim very much achievement. It chose the correct winner in the World Series in 1936. It correctly predicted FDRoosevelt reelected president in 1936 president. It also correctly predicted the winner in the Kentucky Derby horse race in seven years. The most surprising thing is that it can accurately predict the sex of an unborn child. Jim died on 18.3.1937 and was buried in Marshall Cemetery. White stone building on the graves of the tablet is the question: "Jim, wonderful dogs."
4. Appollo 11.9-day heroes
Appollo is the dog search and rescue K-9 unit of the New York Police Department, was awarded the Dickin Medal Victoria Cross medal similar efforts by search and rescue on 11/09/2001.
German shepherd dog breeds born in 1992, it and coach Peter Davies became assistant to the rescue after the attack 11 / 9. They were moved to the World Trade Center 15 minutes after the attack occurred after the World Trade Center attacks. Appollo is the dog search and rescue to the scene when the first two towers collapsed. It almost died blind fire and debris rushing down. Fortunately, it fell to the water tank and treatment before things get worse. It started back to work early. It started back at work soon after Davies cleared the debris stuck to it. Appollo died on May 11.2006.
5. Faith, the dog legs
Faith Stringfellow is an amazing dog with a disability at birth (2002), Pennsylvania (USA). Its mother abandoned it, but the life of a boy who rescued wounded love it. Faith is only one front foot but also atrophied legs, to be removed when the new 7 months old. Faith has learned to stand and walk on hind legs like humans.
Faith is the first dog and the only two legs. Faith is now a therapy dog ​​and often appear in community activities to encourage others to live out their capabilities.
6. Shepherd dog farm self-care within 2 years
In 1870, a sheep farm manager in New Mexico (USA) died suddenly at home. It was not until two years after it was discovered. But, surprisingly, is still his sheep and shepherding reproductive steady! It turns out that his dog had been trained to take care of sheep farms. He had trained his dog to lead sheep to pasture in the morning, watch them all day and night to lure them back to camp. So it continues its mission after the owner died. It also killed several sheep to the slaughter but still looks after the sheep left a thoughtful way.
In 1897, the New Mexico state government has awarded a pension for a dog has to work hard throughout this life. It did not even know the names of this unique dog.
7. Greyfriars Bobby, the dog faithfully protect the grave of the past 14 years
Famous dog Greyfriars Bobby as a symbol of loyalty in the UK. Bobby is all dog breeds love Skye owner, John Gray. When Mr. Gray died in 1858, his tomb is not beer, Bobby stayed in a tomb guarded by a dedicated, and just left the tomb to search for food, for 14 years. Bobby died in 1872. In 1873, a woman earl authorized by RSPCA has put up a marble taps to honor Bobby's loyalty. Mr John Gray finally got a tombstone by Bobby fan made! It also received his tombstone in 1981.
8. Max, the dog escape from fire coli cancer
Ms. Maureen Burns, 64, in Rugby (UK) have shepherd dog breeding coli 10-year-old Max. She was worried when it moves strangely. It does not stop smelling breath and rubbing her head on her right breast. Peculiar dynamics of Max Maureen made her seek medical advice immediately and discovered a small tumor in the right breast. But it does not show up on X-ray images. Still believe that there is something wrong, she persuaded a surgeon to do a biopsy. And she had her hunch proved correct when the results are verified with a malignant tumor. She had surgery, radiation therapy to remove these tumors. She believes she is alive today thanks to the sharp smell of the dog.
9. Bobbie, a dog over 2800 miles back home
In 1923, when a family was traveling in Indiana (USA), Bobbie-a dog 2 years old Scotch shepherd dog cross and British-Shepherd dog was lost. After a desperate search, the family returned to Oregon and hope to see no dog. But six months later, Bobbie appeared in the doorway, his body dirty, with the correct fiber leg bone erosion. Dogs have a long way over 2800 miles, across plains, deserts and mountains in the skin to the cold cuts at home. Bobbie received hundreds of letters from fans around the world and honored with a harness and diamond necklaces, ribbons and the key to the city. Bobbie loyalty is celebrated during the parade of animals at the annual Silverton and be treated as one of the animals and pets are useful for human life.
10. Coal, the first dogs in the world with electronic foot
A hunting dog named Coal is 8 and a half left foot was amputated due to cancer. It almost collapsed because of the weak leg. Reg Wallker, its owner, has spent £ 10,000 to install an electronic leg is designed in line with the foot tissue. Titanium alloy was used to simulate skin, allowing skin and bones sealed metal implants inside.
Coal is a special dog, it is to travel around the world with the employer (a security guard in the big concert) was the only dog ​​allowed to participate in Live 8 concerts and the glory standing in the backstage theater famous Royal Albert Hall in London. Currently, it's almost normal activity.

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